December 20, 2023

Enko Featured in World Farmers Organisation "The Future of Food" Series

"The Future of Food" introduces viewers to the dedicated farmers behind the fresh, safe and nutritious food on our plates, and showcases how they are transitioning toward more sustainable and nature-positive agricultural practices.

Enko's feature film entitled "Science & Farming" is now streaming on the World Farmers Organisation's (WFO) web page, The Future of Food.

The series was created and launched by Zinc Media Group, in partnership with the World Farmers' Organisation (WFO), to shed light on the critical role farmers play in mitigating the impact of climate change.

In an era marked by global crises in food costs and production, climate change, economic challenges, government inaction, and the ineffective distribution of subsidies, the farming sector faces unprecedented challenges. A third of the world's food supply stands at risk of disappearing because of climate change. The urgency is clear, and farming is emerging as a vital part of the solution. That must be fully recognized and seriously considered to advance healthily and sustainably in years to come.

"The Future of Food" delves deep into the heart of these issues, introducing us to the dedicated farmers behind the fresh, safe and nutritious food on our plates, and showcasing how they are transitioning toward more sustainable and nature-positive agricultural practices.

In a statement from the World Farmers' Organisation, President Arnold Puech d’Alissac said, " As farmers, we play a crucial role in the fight against climate change while ensuring food security. Our solutions on the ground are diverse as we are diverse. Yet, amidst our geographical distances and diversity, we share the hope to build a brighter future for our families, communities, people, and planet. But success is a multi-stakeholder effort. 'The Future of Food' highlights the importance of collaboration between farmers and stakeholders to develop innovative practices and advance sustainable agriculture solutions. This series is an opportunity for the world to understand the challenges we face and the solutions we offer."

The World Farmers' Organisation, representing over 1.2 billion farmers worldwide, is the driving force behind this ground-breaking series. "The Future of Food" aims to inspire positive change and encourage people to think deeply about the agricultural sector. The series promotes best practices adopted by farmers to mitigate and adapt to climate change, all while feeding the world in a more sustainable way. It emphasizes the effective solutions that can be achieved when farmers, researchers, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders join forces.

As the series unfolds, it paints a picture of a more sustainable and resilient future for farming and food production. It is a call to action for us all to stand by farmers in their journey to address the challenge posed by climate change and, in doing so, contribute to food security worldwide.

"We are proud to be a part of this important new series. For six years now, Enko has been taking technologies that have been developed for human health care and applying them to crop health, creating molecules that can then be better and safer; more effective for farmers in the field." said Jacqueline Heard, Enko Founder and CEO.   "We work with partners to make sure that our products are developed for underserved markets globally at the same time as they're developed for developed markets. This will positively impact places around the globe that are already struggling to be able to produce sufficient food for their population. The answer is to help farmers grow more with less and not just to provide relief.  What we need are good tools in the hands of growers globally that will allow them to combat and address the challenges that are becoming more dire because of climate change."

"The Future of Food" series is a testament to the power of collaboration and the determination of the farming community to drive change for a better tomorrow.

Enko's film shares the views of Trey Hill, a regenerative farmer in Maryland in the U.S and we also hear from the team of scientists behind the technology - to find out more about its efficacy, its safety and the timeline to market through regulation and testing across four continents.

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